Sunday, January 3, 2010

Are most Americans this intolerant towards Islam?

As some of you know, I blog on Active Rain (AR) a group primarily for realtors, mortgage brokers and others in the real estate arena. The site has a number of groups for non real estate discussion (religion, politics, humor, etc). Earlier today a member posted a blog that I am reposting here. Please read it through and comment:

[content to be reviewed deleted]

What are your thoughts on this?

I want open and free commenting, no worry about feelings getting hurt. I'm purposely reposting this here because AR has been cracking down on insults and displays of intolerance, including suspension of members. I respect AR and don't want to put any members in jeopardy.

The floor is open!

Note: this is not an all-access blog. I asked friends and colleagues for their opinions, not the whole world. If you were not on my distro, your comment will not be approved. Sorry.